John's Safe Place - Cuyahoga Heights High School
The John's Safe Place Room at Cuyahoga Heights High School was completed November 4, 2021.
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lAs a counselor working closely with students, I have witnessed the profound impact this space has had on their well-begin and emotional resilience. The Haney Family's support has been tremendous and has been far more than a partnership. Their commitment, generosity, compassion, and support have not only provided a space for students, but have also sent a powerful message to our students. Their belief in the importance of mental health and well-begin is certainly making a lasting difference in the lives of many.
One of the most remarkable aspects of John's Safe Place is being able to provide students with an extra layer of support. Knowing that this space is available and creates a sense of security and encourages students to reach out when needed. Students feel encouraged to seek help and to talk to someone during difficult times. - Holly Thrasher, School Counselor Cuyahoga Heights High School